May 29, 2024
Dear Parents,
We are looking for an Assistant Cross Country Coach for the fall. If you can help us out, please email me:
Even at this early date, students want to know who their teacher will be next year! Several changes are planned: Kindergarten: To be determined (we are interviewing now)
1st grade: Ms. Alondra Cruz (an OLC graduate!)
2nd grade: Ms. Juliana Morini
3rd grade: Miss Mary Tierney
4th grade: Mrs. Helen Immordino
5th grade: Ms. Kate Cary
Spanish: To be determined (a completely redesigned curriculum is planned)
Band and choral concert with all students in grades K-4: Tomorrow at 1:15 in church; parents and their guests are invited.
Graduation: Wed., June 5, at 7 PM in church. There is no limit on the number of guests. Graduates must be at school by 6:15.
Last day of school for students in grades PK - 7: Friday, June 7. We have an 11:30 dismissal that day.
Yours in Christ,
Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.
(708) 652-0262