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July 15, 2024

Dear Parents,

I hope your summer is going smoothly. The start of school is just five weeks away. We are still looking for an Assistant Cross Country Coach for the fall. Do you know anyone who can work with our team at the meets and at our early morning weekday practices? If so, please email me:

If your 5th - 8th grade son or daughter would like to join our Cross Country team, have them come to a practice session, Mon - Thurs, from 8:00 to 10:00 AM in the school parking lot. They are always welcome to stop by and see if they like it, without formally joining the team.

OLC fall Soccer season information will be sent to you following the coaches’ meeting next week.

School supply lists and school calendars may be found on our website:

All of our teachers have been in place since last month. We are fortunate at OLC as Illinois continues to suffer from a shortage of teachers. Here is a list of our faculty members for the fall:

Preschool: Mr. Sean Knight

Kindergarten: Ms. Sally Henson (experienced and highly recommended)

1st grade: Ms. Alondra Cruz (an OLC graduate)

2nd grade: Ms. Juliana Morini

3rd grade: Miss Mary Tierney

4th grade: Mrs. Helen Immordino

5th grade: Ms. Kate Cary

6th - 8th grade: Ms. Phoebe Unzueta, Mr. Joseph Letendre, Mrs. Margaret Sweeney

Taking children to Mass can be hard: “Why do we have to go to church?” According to Canon Law, by age seven, children should be attending Mass every Sunday. Here are some simple strategies for making Mass more pleasant with children:

●  Decide ahead of time what Mass to attend.

●  Set out everyone’s clothes so getting ready is not a hassle.

●  Bring along a picture book about the Mass.

●  Make sure everyone has something to put into the collection basket.

●  Sit in front so children can see.

●  Bring children into the communion line, even if they are too young to receive.

●  Praise children for good behavior.

●  Celebrate good behavior by doing something special after Mass.

As for teenagers, if your teen is indifferent or doesn’t like going to Mass, explain that there are some things in life that we do because they are good for us – whether we feel like doing those things or not. Mass is not about feelings. It is about giving ourselves to God. It is about discovering what purpose God has for our lives. If teens see that the Mass gives meaning to your life, they will begin to search for that meaning in their own lives.

Yours in Christ,

Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D. Principal(708) 652-0262


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