March 16, 2023
Dear Parents, Jesus said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is ‘You shall love your neighbor.’” What is your son or daughter writing to other children in group chats on social media? Do you know? Do their words reflect the need to “love your neighbor”?
World’s Finest Chocolate sale: Thank you for supporting our school by selling these chocolate bars. The deadline to turn in your funds is Tuesday, May 2.
We now have new OLC t-shirts with our new panthers logo. These come in a variety of colors; a selection of them is on display in the trophy case located in the breezeway. Students may wear these shirts on gym days (as an alternative to the regular gym shirt).
Cicero Mayas is forming a new girls’ soccer team for girls ages 11 and 12. Practices will be at the Morton West High School field house. Interested parents can email Mr. Javier Vargas at or call 708-603-3040. Please know that this is not an OLC sponsored team.
School Mass schedule (parents welcome to join us): March 24: 9:00, English
No school Mass on Mar. 31
Important dates:
Friday, March 17: no school
Friday, March 24: 2nd trimester Honor Roll assembly, in church following the 9:00 Mass
Monday, April 3 - Friday, April 28: Early registration for next school year; $210 ($420 beginning May 1)
Friday, April 7 - Sunday, April 16: no school, Easter break
Saturday, April 22: 1st Communion photos, at OLC at 11:00
Sunday, April 23: All school Mass at noon (sponsored by the 4th grade); refreshments afterward in Halpin Hall
Saturday, April 29: 1st holy Communion at 1:00 Yours in Christ,
Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D. Principal (708) 652-0262