March 9,
2023 Dear Parents,
Sacrament of Reconciliation: All students receiving their 1st holy Communion on April 29 will have the Sacrament of Penance (confessions) for the first time tomorrow. After children have celebrated First Penance, they will be prepared for the spring celebration of First Eucharist.
St. Patrick’s Day dress down, Thursday, March 16: students can come out of uniform if they wear something green. $2 to participate.
This week we were visited by a representative from the Illinois State Board of Education. The representative was very satisfied with everything he reviewed, and has renewed Our Lady of Charity School’s State recognition. OLC meets all State requirements for schools and remains fully compliant with the law.
It’s that time of the year to complete the 2023 Archdiocese of Chicago Parent Survey. Please follow this link to complete the OLC survey:
The shipment of 1st holy Communion clothing for all students receiving their 1st Communion on Sat., Apr. 29, has arrived. The cost of each outfit is $60, which some of you have already paid. You may pick up your child’s garment in the school office during regular school hours. See Mr. Infante.
The Archdiocese requires all of its schools to provide valuable training to children on safe boundaries and how to recognize and report sexual abuse. The programs used are age appropriate and straightforward. Our presenter has several years of experience providing the training to students in grades K - 8. Her presentations are the week of March 20. I encourage you to ask your child about it.
World’s Finest Chocolate sale begins this week:
Each FAMILY will be responsible for selling 3 boxes of chocolate.
Each box is $60, therefore each FAMILY will be responsible for selling $180 in chocolates.
School Mass schedule (parents welcome to join us):
March 24: 9:00, English
No school Mass on Mar. 10 or Mar. 31
Important dates:
Friday, March 17: no school
Friday, March 24: 2nd trimester Honor Roll assembly, in church following the 9:00 Mass
Monday, April 3 - Friday, April 28: Early registration for next school year; $210 ($420 beginning May 1) Friday,
April 7 - Sunday, April 16: no school, Easter break
Saturday, April 22: 1st Communion photos, at OLC at 11:00
Saturday, April 29: 1st holy Communion at 1:00
Yours in Christ,
Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.
Principal (708) 652-0262