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Our Lady of Charity Weekly Newsletter

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

December 1, 2022

Dear Parents, Dress up day on Mon., Dec. 12: To celebrate the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, students are encouraged to come to school dressed as the Virgin of Guadalupe or as St. Juan Diego. The class with the highest percentage of students participating wins a pizza party. Ideas may be found on Google; any close approximations will suffice.

Advent began last Sunday. The word advent comes from the Latin “adventus,” which means “coming.” It is a joyful time for us to prepare for the Lord's coming. I’ve included some Advent activities for you to do as a family.

OLC Christmas Food Drive: We are conducting a canned food drive for needy Cicero residents as a Christmas service project. Have your children give donations to their teachers no later than Mon., Dec. 19.

Santa’s Secret Shop returns to OLC Dec. 7 - 9. This program makes it possible for students to experience the joy of choosing their own holiday gifts for family and friends while teaching them to budget their money and make their own decisions.

This year all boys’ basketball players and all the cheerleaders will need to have a sports physical to play. Our 6th graders already have a current physical on file, so they are exempted. Basketball and cheerleading permission forms were sent home this week; they are due by Jan 9.

We will have a school Christmas Posada at 6:30 PM in church on Wed., Dec. 21. Students in grades PK - 8 will take part in the performance, and there will be refreshments and piñatas afterward in Halpin Hall.

Important dates:

Thursday, December 8: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary; all-school Mass at 1:00. Parents are invited. There is no school Mass on Dec. 9.

Sunday, December 11: 8th-grade class Mass at noon. All families are invited. Donuts, pan dulce, and beverages after Mass.

Monday, December 12: Feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. We will have an all-school Mass at 1:00, with a reenactment of the apparition of the Virgin to St. Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill, as performed by our fourth graders, with songs provided by the third graders. This will take place during the Homily. Parents (and younger siblings) are invited to attend.

Yours in Christ,

Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D. Principal (708) 652-0262


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