Dear Parents, The OLC Parish Dinner Dance takes place on Sat., Apr. 9, from 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM, at The Mayfield Banquets on Archer Avenue in Chicago. To buy tickets, contact the school office: 708-652-0262 ext. 201. Tickets are $60 per person.
We have our all school Mass every Thursday at 1:00 for children in grades K - 8. Parents are always invited to join us. Thank you to OLC parent Mr. Aaron Jimenez, USMC, for helping us raise our new flag in front of the school, and for discussing flag etiquette with 4th and 5th graders last week. See the photo below.
Our OLC Varsity and JV basketball teams are having a terrific season, and our OLC cheerleaders are a standout . Thank you to our basketball coach, Mr. Josif Selagea, and to our cheerleading coach, Ms. Stephanie Davila, for all their time and effort. We appreciate it!
Our school uniform policy states that only “OLC sweatshirts” may be worn. These are school approved sweatshirts featuring our logo. Please make sure your child’s sweatshirt conforms to this requirement. Also, regarding jewelry, “girls who have pierced ears may wear one pair of small stud earrings.” For all students, “wrist watches and appropriate religious medals or crosses are the only jewelry that is permitted. Bracelets are not allowed (except medical).” Remember that “students’ hair must reflect a conservative style” and “boys may not have hair length past their collar, may not go below mid-ear, and the front may not pass the eyebrows.” The uniform is a symbol of school pride and of the equality of persons created in the image of God.
Get VIRTUS training to volunteer: Go to our website for info:
Important dates: Monday, March 28: no school (please note that this non-attendance day for students is not on the school calendar) Saturday, April 9: 1st holy Communion photos at 9am; OLC Parish Dinner Dance from 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM at The Mayfield Banquets Friday, April 15 - Sunday, April 24: no school; Easter break Thursday, April 28: all school Mass at 1:00, with baptism and 1st holy Communion celebrated for selected students; parents invited Saturday, April 30: confirmation Mass at noon (with 1st holy Communion for selected students) Saturday, May 7: 1st holy Communion for 2nd graders at noon
Yours in Christ, Frank S. Zárate, Jr., Ed.D.
Principal (708) 652-0262