August 12, 2022
Dear Parents,
School starts Monday! I hope your children are looking forward to it. If not:
Shop for school supplies together
Have a “Back to school eve” party
Talk to your child’s teacher
Talk to your child about his or her school day; be positive (what does your child enjoy about school?)
Volunteer at the school, if you’re able
Work on homework (i.e. your own paperwork) together Things to know:
All students enter and leave the building via the parking lot; drive S-L-O-W-L-Y
Gym shoes must be all black or all white; no contrasting logos
Dismissal on Mon., Aug. 15, is at 1:00
Monday is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; students in grades 1 - 8 will celebrate Mass with Fr. Waldemar at 9:30; parents are welcome to attend
Students should wear their regular (formal) school uniform. However, on Thursday and Friday next week they may wear their gym uniform, though gym classes will not be held the first week of school.
Please get your child to school on time, before 8:00
Important dates: Monday, August 22: Extended care (before and after school) begins. Remember there is no breakfast served this year, but children may bring a morning snack. Thursday, September 1: Back to school open house, 6:30 - 8:00 pm (plan to attend!) Monday, September 5: Labor Day (no school) Wednesday, September 7: Early Release day for students (30 minutes before the regular time)
Yours in Christ, Frank S. Zarate, Jr.,
Ed.D. Principal (708) 652-0262