Letter from the Pastor
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View the letter from Pastor Mena
Letter from the Pastor: Feb. 27, 2021
Visiting Our Seniors.
On February 20th, a group of parishioners visited 12 homebound parishioners to bring them Communion and give them Ashes to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season. We thank those who welcomed us into their home; we are pleased to visit them and bring them Communion. Remember that the next visit will take place on March 20th.
If you want to receive Communion in your home, please contact us at (708) 863-1207 or send an email to office@olc-church.org I extend a sincere thanks to Deacon Max and our volunteers.
Renew My Church,
I hope you had a pleasant experience with Fr. Robert Krueger’s visit, pastor of saint Leonard’s Church. On Sunday, February 21st, I went to saint Leonard’s to celebrate the 8 am and 10 am Masses in English. I thank the pastor, Father Bobby, and his associate pastor Fr. Alex, for their warm welcome. Please pray for the success of the Renew My Church project. Father Bobby will be back on March 7th to celebrate Masses at 9 am, 10: 15 am, and 12 pm. I will be in saint Leonard’s for 1 pm and 7 pm Masses.
Fr. Sergio Mena