January 13, 2023
Dear Parents,
Next week we have no school on Monday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Dr. King was first and foremost a minister, and at the foundation of his work was Christ’s message to “love one another.” In our work at OLC, we strive to help children learn Dr. King’s message to be fair with each other, and to live as “disciples of Christ and leaders in the community.”
According to the Parent and Student Handbook: Each student athlete (this includes each cheerleader) is expected to maintain a minimum grade of C in all classes. Failure to fulfill [this] expectation may result in suspension from the athletic program [until the grade is raised].
Please call us when your child is absent. Call no later than 9:00: 708-652-0262 ext. 201. Leave a message if no one picks up the phone. We need to know where the children are during the school day.
We had an art exhibit on Tuesday of the pieces created by students in their work with the teaching artists we had from the National Museum of Mexican Art. See the photo below for a few sample projects.
Important dates:
Monday, January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, no school
Wednesday, January 18: Empower Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Reservation Night! Form opens at 6:30 pm; submission begins at 7 pm. This important step secures the family's time stamp and their position in first come, first served order.
Wednesday, January 25: Early release day; 30 minutes before the regular time
Sunday, January 29: New date for the 5th grade class Mass at noon. All families are invited. Donuts, pan dulce, and beverages after Mass.
Yours in Christ,
Frank S. Zarate, Jr., Ed.D.
Principal (708) 652-0262 fzarate@olc-school.org