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Weekly Newsletter 3.4.21

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View the latest newsletter from Mr. Zarate

Newsletter of Mar. 4, 2021



March 4, 2021

Dear Parents,

Our second trimester HONOR ROLL CEREMONY is Thursday, March 12. Parents may attend. See the details in the list of important dates below.

We are looking for six parents, two per month, to count parish funds in the office for three hours on Mondays. This would be a one month long volunteer project in March, April, or May. If you can help, please email me:

The school/church/religious education program raffle has been expanded! We are not only raffling the copy of DaVinci’s painting The Last Supper, but also a black 20-inch Mongoose Brawler boys' freestyle BMX bike, and an apron hand decorated by the second grade class. Proceeds will go primarily toward the repair of our elevator. Each ticket costs $5, and each family will receive five tickets to sell to family and friends. Ticket sales begin TODAY; any unsold tickets will be billed to your FACTS account. The deadline to return collected funds is April 1. The drawing will take place Easter Sunday immediately following the noon Mass.

See this link here for some easy to do at-home Lenten activities for you to enjoy with your OLC student.

Do you need financial aid for tuition next year? Be sure to complete an application in FACTS. Let me know if you need help completing the application, and we will assist you.

If a bus could talk: the story of Rosa Parks. Teachers will read this book aloud in all grade levels next week. Lots of great discussion starters in this true story of Mrs. Parks, who rode to work on a segregated city bus and couldn't sit in the same row as a white person. One day she refused to give up her seat to a white man, and that act of courage inspired others around the world to stand up for freedom.

Thank you to Ms. Karen Artus, our food service manager, for all her extra effort this year. Meals served upstairs, downstairs, in the classrooms, in Halpin Hall, from the breezeway, grab and go meals for students at home — plus breakfast now, too. Wow — she is a hard worker!

Important dates:

Friday, March 5: NO SCHOOL; staff development day

Tuesday, March 9: school picture retakes

Thursday, March 11: Mass for grades 2, 3, and 6. Parents may attend. Following Mass will be the HONOR ROLL CEREMONY in church for grades 4 - 8. Parents may attend the ceremony.

Friday, March 12: Mass for grades 1, 4, and 5. Parents may attend.

Monday, March 15: This will be a regular day of school attendance; school is IN-SESSION. The planned school closure for this date (on the school calendar) was canceled to make up for the Jan. 26 snow day we had.

Wednesday, March 17: Early dismissal (30 minutes before the regular time)

Thursday, March 18: OLC Talent Show (a virtual event)

Friday, April 2: Good Friday; Easter break begins (school resumes April 12)

Yours in Christ,

Frank S. Zárate, Jr., Ed.D.


(708) 652-0262


Our Lady of Charity School

3620 S. 57th Ct., Cicero, IL 60804

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Office: (708) 652-0262  



Our Lady of Charity School serves students Pre Kindergarten 3 through 8th grade from Cicero, Berwyn, Stickney, & Chicago. Contact us today for a tour!

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